What are your writing goals for year 2021??
Chemainus Writers
A big shout out to my writers’ group. Who knew when we first met at the iconic Billy’s Delight Ice Cream parlour in downtown Chemainus that we would still be meeting nineteen years later? Although Billy’s Delight is long gone, of the four strangers who met that day, three of us, Bernice Ramsdin Firth, Tom Masters and I, are still going strong.
Chemainus Writers quickly grew and we have held the group at six or seven people so we have enough time to read our work and have it critiqued at each meeting. We meet every two weeks in each other’s homes. Between us we have published at least 26 books, and contributed to a number of anthologies, magazines and newspapers.
Feel free to follow us, you never know, we might become famous! The group can be emailed at chemainuswriters@gmail.com
Members: Tom Masters; Sylvia Holt; Mary E Nelson; Lois Peterson, Bernice Ramsdin Firth; Mary Anne Hajer; Liz Forbes
We eat too—that got out of hand for a few years—whomever was hosting was preparing almost a full lunch which we all devoured. Writing and critiquing builds up an appetite. It got to be too much and now we are back to serving just coffee and cookies at mid afternoon; much easier on the host but we often mourn the former culinary delights. Which is why, our Christmas meeting is always a party. This year we met at Ma Maison in Saltair, on the outskirts of Chemainus, ate a delicious lunch; I had butternut squash quiche, followed by pumpkin cheesecake…so good.
Even though it was a Christmas Celebration it felt as though we should do something writerly, and we all read a short humorous piece on our writing goals for 2020, but with a twist. We had to write them in the past tense as though it was the end of the year 2020. This is harder to do than you would think.
Mary E Nelson, poet and author of Catla, a YA historical novel (Orca Books), wrote the following:
Looking back over this recent past year
has it standing alone – one without peerThough winning the Pulitzer felt like a coup
Canada’s GG made my dreams come trueSo I blushed and protested that my little words
just fell together – a flocking of birdswhile waiting to see if the two Y.A. books
would make it through all the alleys and nooksAnd by Jove, that they did! Wouldn’t you know
and now someone, Disney? – the very best blow
wants the rights for a movie – I told them go slowFor I’m tired of the limelight, it’s time for a nap
Yes, the year 2020 sure put me on the map!Mary E Nelson
Did I mention that Mary has a wicked sense of humour?
Have a happy and healthy New Year-2020 and write those goals!
Liz Forbes
Musings of an island crone.